He said... She said... aka The Jeff and Amy Show

What is in a word?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Plants in Our Neighborhood an Ode to Sarah

We have a friend Sarah Floyd, and she is traveling all over the world right now. She loves plants, so the kids and I took a walk in our neighborhood and took some pictures. We thought you would like them too. I am not a master at plant names like Sarah, so the kids and I have made some up for you.

Pink-a-mint in our front yard.

Hawaii surfer girl flower in the park on the corner
of our street

White Angel Flower with the blue devil standing next to her.

Banana Tree

Bougainvillea on our neighbors fence. This grows
everywhere here

This is an ivy like the popular house ivies in the states, but
they get ginormous here.


At 4:21 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

It looks like you had a beautiful day there!! Is the weather warming up for you all? We are just starting to get teased by the sun "up" here. I am normally a winter person (haha winter-get it?) but this year the summer is calling my name! Collecting those picures looks like a great way to spend some time!! Take care! And we'll see you in Tulsa! Woo-hoo!

At 5:43 PM, Blogger The Harris Family said...

What beautiful flowers! God's creativity is so cool. Thanks for taking us on your walk today. I also heard you were coming to Tulsa!!!! I am very excited, and looking forward to a great time....you need to tell us the story of how/why/where you are coming?? You said Angie and your hubby had a part in it...talk to you soon.

At 7:08 PM, Blogger The Gearharts said...

It is warming up here. It is going from winter nice and warm/hot to summer too hot hot. One of the things I have really had to adjust to is sweating all the time. We don't have air conditioning, and I have always been a don't like to be sweaty kinda girl. I must say I have not totally adjusted yet. Some days we drive around in the car to have cool air conditioning.

I will be in Tulsa, and my hubby, Angie and I think some others did arrange it. It will only be me :( and I found out yesterday. My birthday is this month. Jeff is gone this week, and I am with the kids. He will get back Mon, and I will leave Wed for Tulsa Workshop. SO excited to see you.
Amy G

At 4:03 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

I LOVE IT!!!!! I like your plant names better! You guys ROCK!!!! I wish I lived somewhere bougainvillea would survive the winter. I am not saying that I want to live without air conditioning, though!

Hug those kids really good for me! I am absolutely in love with them!

At 8:10 AM, Blogger tim rush said...

LOVE the names! Don't you wish sometimes you were in charge of naming stuff?

Being from Oklahoma, I am! It's my, "name it and people just think you're an okie" card. Ha. (in reference to the Harris blog)

At 2:45 PM, Blogger The Gearharts said...

I am glad you liked it. I hope you know you are loved. Thank you for blogging us into your life.

The pink-a-mint was actually Abby's name and I was amazed. I loved it.
I must say we pick on you because we love you, and if it were not you it would be us(me). Did you know one time I was talking to Jeff about bikes and willies and he said "Did you just say willy?" "YES. You act like you don't know what a willy is." He laughed and laughed and said " It is a wheelie." However, I also thought it was "finders keepers, losers sweepers"

At 4:27 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Oh, Amy you make me laugh out loud!!!!

At 1:53 PM, Blogger Su said...

Okay, I was just going to tell you how much I liked your flower names, but now I am laughing so hard that I'm doing that silent laughter thing that always makes Chad panic. (He thinks I can't breathe when I do that.) I think you're back on the top of the list of "Funniest people I know."


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